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Sabtu, 23 April 2016

The Moon and The Sun

My night and yours are never met,
Look at the moon, darling,
Its resolute in the dark cloud, just like us..
Oh nope, exactly it was like you..

Allah knows this heart upheavals,
Your heart can’t see the sharpness,
Your ears can’t hear the scream,
Your heart maybe can’t feel but numb..
It revolts..
This heart.. clearly my heart..

Two hearts swear to not say goodbye,
They also know that is hope,
Someone so afraid to get the hopes up,
Because they don’t want to disappoint.

That is funny.. and so sad..
My heart always wish, it is huge wishes..
Afraid to fall?
No, I never be afraid

Ashame when saw the ants struggle to bring their feed, try to climb the wall,
Sometimes fall for couple times, but they won’t give up,
Ants have no minds, should I throw this minds to make me can be on top?
I guess, I shouldn’t, because I’m absolutely sure..
Heaven and Hell,
Happiness and Sadness,
All of those had been completely packing by Allah in every each package,
But it has broken by human..

Every night, the sun always yield to the moon,
Also in the morning, the moon always please the sun,
They never be together, but the sun, always make my morning so bright without the moon,
And the moon always impress me in the night, of course without the sun..

Sometimes, someone shouldn’t have couple for beautiful day,
They who live in loneliness always find ways to make their morning and night be gorgeous and awesome,
 Finally, it’s about resolutes, hopes, and loneliness.
Calm down, there are always the moon, the ants, and the sun as my teacher,
The teacher that create by Allah for all people in the world purpose to make
People want to think, that the difficulties, sadness, and anything else that make your tears drop,
It’s not immortal..

Palangkaraya, 12 Januari 2014
©Dyah Ayu Pramoda Wardani (DAPW)

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